Mini World Cup

Summer would not be Summer without the Gorey Celtic Mini World Cup. This will be a fun action packed weekend of football. Not about winning or losing but hoping to introduce/continue children to football in a fun non competitive way (yeah I know, try telling the children that).

When is it? On the 24th/25th August starting at 9:30 am, finish approx 1pm.
Who can play? All Children under the age of 16. You will be placed on any age appropriate team. Members and non Members, Boys and Girls
What does it cost? €5 per child paid via our link below. All money raised goes directly to getting equipment for the forthcoming season. No payments in cash will be accepted, please use our stripe link below.
Do we need help? Oh indeed we do. Refs, managers (no skills needed, just ensure all children get game time) Admin people, Shop assistance etc. Anything you can do to help will be greatly appreciated. Please contact
Will there be anything else to do? Charity Cake Sale, (Charity to be chosen, if you have a worthwhile charity you feel would benefit please contact, Donate a Cake if you can), Tuck Shop, Player of the Year Awards to name a few. We encourage everyone to stay around. Bring a picnic. Bring siblings, it is a family day.
Who is the Sponsor? No Sponsor so far, if you can help please contact

How to Book? Please register your child here and pay via Stripe here