Similar Access Policy

Gorey Celtic Football Club undertakes to provide similar access for girls and boys to the facilities that benefit from support. We are committed to implementing a Similar Access Policy by ensuring that:

a. Girls and boys will have similar access to facilities, including equitable training opportunities, equal game opportunities, and fair allocation of facility times. Additionally, they will have similar access to social and changing room facilities.

b. Girls and boys can fully participate in all aspects of the club, including as players, active participants, coaches, administrators, officials, volunteers, and spectators.

c. Girls and boys will have similar access to and use of the sports infrastructure.

d. Girls and boys will be encouraged and supported in leadership and governance roles, ensuring representation at the board level, in line with relevant policies and regulations.

e. All user groups, including girls and boys, will be encouraged and supported in understanding, implementing, and adopting our Similar Access Policy.

f. User groups that demonstrate ongoing commitment to implementing similar access policies will be prioritized and supported.

g. We will publish our Similar Access Policy and update it annually on our website or another suitable and publicly accessible platform.

h. We confirm compliance with the relevant laws and regulations regarding equal status.

By implementing this Similar Access Policy, Gorey Celtic FC aims to provide equal opportunities and promote inclusivity in girls and boys football.

While Gorey Celtic does not currently have a dedicated girls team this is due to numbers. Girls are more than welcome to play within Gorey Celtic as per FAI rules on the boys team until such time. If we acquire the numbers to field a team at any age group Gorey Celtic will put all efforts to ensure the success for the team and help grow and mature the Weford Football Schoolgirls league,